Turn Your Shift Around...

Dwayne Ross provides On site Human Service Staff Development Training, Youth Development, Online Travel Marketing and MLM information reviews, Blog Training & Suggestions as well as Random Thoughts About Business.
At one time I was on a business trip in the mountains, I was standing by the lake in Big Bear and I asked about the next excursion cruise and what time it was going out that evening. There was a really nice looking lady standing there, she looked to be in her early thirties standing all alone by the pier and she seemed to be alone.  She said, “The Cruisers stopped running for the evening but there’s a really nice art gallery you might like and it’s open for at least another two hours right across from the restaurant about 7 minutes.
I could have said, “No thank you, I really wanted to go on the lake and relax on the cruise.”  How would she know what I might like and she never even met me? So I thought about it, I went to the gallery. I was standing in the gallery when I noticed the most amazing eagle statue. It was all beautifully hand crafted out of what seemed to be a beautiful piece of drift wood of sorts. The face was so intense, “It was as if I was staring into the soul of a real eagle... It was Mesmerizing.”  Here's a video of a similar artist's work... I search years later and never could find the piece I saw that day. If I find it later I will update this post in the mean time enjoy this piece of passion from a great artist in his sixties!

As I looked a little deeper at the face, I could see there seemed to be a small trail on the face guiding me to turn the piece around so I did. “What is this I wondered and a beautiful surprise was right on the other side… It had an entire eagle scene over a prairie like area with cowboys and Native Americans and desert beauty all carved in the backside of the eagle’s eyes and the entire bust.”  That experience caused me to look into the qualities of an eagle, by doing so it created a desire in me to “Shift My Focus” which became the title   of my next book.  It gave me an insight into the fact that although you may see a good thing on the surface, if you shift your focus you can see greater things inside you and others.  It’s time to stir up your gift, talent and ability and go after your dreams!
“If you want to be a writer… Write! A singer… Sing... a Lawyer… passes the bar!”  It’s up to you.
You will never know who or what God has placed in your life to inspire you to take action. One thing is for sure he’s not going to come down from heaven and do it for you! You must be the one who does all the doing. If it’s to be it’s up to thee, no one else. Sure there’s divine intervention etc. Encounters with spiritual this and that but the reality of which you are… greatness is already deposited in you at birth. Goodness is already deposited in you. Talent is already deposited in you… What you water will come forth… Greed… anger etc. all of it. You have the potential for life or death… good or evil… you are universal and the universe is good. It gives life. So what will you give?
I wrote my first book No More Crumbs from the Table to help you identify your talents, gifts and abilities… Shift Your Focus to help propel people into their destiny.   To assist people in going after the dreams again even if they are over 45 years old as I am. It’s not over… it’s not finished. If you can breathe, you have a chance…                                  Go get it done! The world is waiting on you!
My next post:  I had an interesting conversation with Mrs C my Music Sensory Instructor. We talked about how so many of us start out in our lives with this wonderful idea of how the world works and where will be by age 30 etc. It is uncanny how so many people are truly lost in some other part of the community or world when they thought they had a really cool GPS that was going to get them to the nice house, the nice high paying job, the really hot girl or boy friend, the most amazing dog and oh don’t forget the picket fence… okay maybe not the picket fence, I never wanted that I wanted the nice big iron gates where the you had to hit the button to be let in… you get the picture.
We knew that if we could just do this or that…    
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